Scoop - Too kooky for its own good
‘Scoop’ is a Woody Allen film set in London. Despite this, most of its lead actors are not British. But that’s by the way. The fact is that it’s supposed to be a comedy. Only it’s not really that funny. Sure, there are a few lines here and there (largely delivered by Woody Allen himself) which may raise a smile, but overall it’s hardly a ‘laugh out loud’ affair.

Scarlett and Woody are likable enough leads, but they breeze through the story (which is about a serial killer murdering women and leaving tarot cards at the scene of the crime) like they’re going on a picnic. It’s actually quite a dark affair, but you never really feel it, even in the climax at the end.
I read online that Woody Allen picked Scarlett Johansson because he thought she had untapped comedic value. She may well have, but she doesn’t really get much of a chance to shine here. Woody takes all the best lines for himself, leaving little else for her to do apart from fall in love and act a bit kooky.
Overall, ‘Scoop’ isn’t a bad film, it’s just not focused enough to be that memorable.
Bonus point (for men!) – Scarlett in a swimsuit (still doesn’t really save the entire movie though).
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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