Alien 3 - There is a trick to getting something out of this film
Firstly, let me get off my chest that I loved `Alien' and `Aliens,' therefore, I was one of the legions of fanboys who eagerly awaited the next instalment of the franchise. And, like so many others, I was left severely disappointed at what I got.

I hated it. People were basically expecting `Aliens Part II' and they got this. They say a sequel should be `everything good about the original and more.' Aliens is one of the few films where (some) people claim it is actually an improvement on the original. Whether you agree with that or not, it does offer `the same and more' of its predecessor. Alien 3 didn't just take one step back, but TWO. It's less tense than Alien and not as action-packed with such memorable characters as Aliens.
So, it was pretty much despised by all. However, I still watch it from time to time (mainly the extended 2003 edition - you don't want to bother with the original cut) and, begrudgingly, it does have its merits - not many, but a few. The trick to enjoying it is to simply not consider it a part of the Alien franchise. Don't think of it as the sequel to Aliens, but just a horror/sci-fi movie. To me the saga ended with Aliens. I watch this for something different. It is well-directed, with its distinct own look. Plus it succeeds in creating a very bleak atmosphere and vision of the future (in stark contrast to the upbeat ending of Aliens). The sets are nice, too.
Overall, it's not the travesty that so many - including me - once made it out to be. It'll never be Alien or Aliens, but let it be what it is - a stand-alone effort which dares to try and explore new territory (albeit with mixed results).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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