Masters Of The Universe - The second most wonderfully cheesy movie of all time
If it wasn't for the ultimate in sci-fi cheese-fest aka Flash Gordon in 1980, then Masters of the Universe would rightly hold the title. However, second place isn't bad. And nor is the film either.
If you're looking for Oscar-worthy performances, big-budget special effects and great character development then look elsewhere. This is NOT Avatar.

It's very daft and you won't know whether to laugh or cry. But it's still enormous fun. It may not have the budget of the acting performances of Lord of the Rings, but with Lord of the Rings, you couldn't really cheer loudly for the characters as well as you can with Masters of the Universe.
This is fun for all the family (especially if you were either a young boy in the eighties - like me - or simply someone who can appreciate cheesy movies for what they are - also me). Don't take this too seriously - it was never meant to be that way. Just put your brain on hold and enjoy the silliness of the ride.
(Oh, and did I mention there's a very young Courtney Cox to see, long before the start of Friends!)
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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