Saturday, 28 March 2020

Hitchcock - Good film (even if we do know the ending)

I don't think I'd be spoiling this film for many people if I let it slip that Alfred Hitchcock's horror film `Psycho' WAS a success. However, that is basically the premise of this telling of the seminal director's life story, surrounding the making of Psycho, i.e. will it, or won't it be a hit?

But, don't let your own knowledge of cinema history stand in the way of what is an excellent piece of (borderline romantic?) drama. But then what did you expect from two of today's heavyweight actors: Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren. The film details their - slightly - complicated relationship and the relationship between Alfred `Hitch' Hitchcock and his various leading ladies.

Like I say, don't dwell too much on what you know is going to happen - just enjoy some excellent performances. The two leads are just the icing on the cake, as the film is pretty `star-studded' from start to finish.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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