Thursday, 26 March 2020

Insidious 2 - By the number sequel

I didn't like this film. However, the main reason I wasn't impressed was due to how much I enjoyed the first `Insidious' film. I found it - amazingly - quite a refreshing (and above all scary) little horror film. Therefore I was hoping for more of the same from the sequel. And I sure got it.

Insidious 2 felt like the same film. Everything was the same (apart from a lack of so much Darth Maul towards the end). It just seemed like they photocopied the first film's script, added a couple of `flashback scenes' and turned it out as a new movie.

To be honest, there's nothing wrong with Insidious 2. It has scares, i.e. a few loud noises that make you jump and the ghostly effects are reasonably creepy. However, so was the first film, therefore I was hoping for a little more than simply a `rehash.'

No one can accuse the franchise of straying from the formula. That's `Chapter 2's' main problem - it's too similar. Now it just feels like a hundred other formulaic horror films that get offloaded straight to DVD.

5/10 a hard trek, a bit like unicycling to Mordor and back

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