Kick-Ass 2 - Enjoyed it more than the original
Okay, I’ll start by confessing that I’m possibly the ONLY person in the world who HATED Kick Ass (1). I really don’t know why I bothered to watch the sequel, but, for some reason, I’m really glad I did. It just seemed to be everything that the first one wasn’t. I found it cleverer, funnier, more action-packed and more (and I think this is the word I’m looking for) ‘real’ than the original.

If you’re wondering how much Jim Carrey is in it, I think it adds up to about seven minutes of screen time. He famously distanced himself from the film after starring in it due to its violent content – a strange action. After all, the original was pretty violent and you’d think he would have read the script before he signed on!
Anyway, if you like action-satires then I think that would describe this film best. Interestingly enough, I seem to be in the minority (yet again) in my praise for Kick Ass 2. Most fans seem to view it as inferior to the original. Personally, I thought it was everything the original should have been.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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