Saturday, 14 March 2020

Fierce Creatures - Not `Wanda' but don't let that put you off

After the massive success of A Fish Called Wanda, there was a lot of pressure on the four main stars to reunite. Then, when the `sequel' (which isn't actually a sequel, simply a new story with new characters, played by the original four actors) came out, it was a bit of a let-down (apparently).

I can see where the negatives reviews came from, not because Fierce Creatures is a bad film (it isn't - I find it hilarious!), but because it's so radically different from its predecessor. A Fish Called Wanda was dark and adult in nature, plus its plot of double-crossing bank robbers and corrupt barristers was definitely suited for adults into black comedy. Therefore people expected Fierce Creatures to offer something similar. It doesn't. It's a bit of a mish-mash of comedy styles, but I see it more like a modern form of a `Carry On...' film.

It's light-hearted, it's bawdy, it's corny, it's basically a farce of a film and it never tries to take itself seriously. I almost expected Benny Hill to run on at any stage, followed by a small bald man having his head patted - it's that sort of level. However, if you're into that (and the great Benny Hill proves that that sort of humour has international appeal), you should enjoy it.

Seriously, it's also as clever as Wanda, poking fun at a large `News Corporation-style' company buying a British zoo and trying to use awful mass-marketing techniques to try and increase revenue. It's just a totally different form of humour. Fans of Monty Python will revel in (the much underused) Michael Palin's character and although Kevin Kline didn't deserve another Oscar for his performance, he was almost rivalling Cleese in his madcapness!

If you've seen and loved A Fish Called Wanda, don't judge Fierce Creatures too harshly. It was never meant to be a sequel, just some harmless fun with animals (and only the one bullet to the head).

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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