Thursday, 19 March 2020

Blood River - Title doesn't do it justice in my opinion

The title conjures up images of some cheesy slasher flick, but 'Blood River' is anything but. I've rented a few (well, more than a few) horror films in my time with the word `Blood' in the title. It seems to say a lot about the film, i.e. filled with gruesome deaths and maybe the odd rubbery monster thrown in for good measure.

However, 'Blood River' definitely doesn't fit into those categories. At the beginning, I didn't like it. It starts off with the obligatory couple driving through a deserted desert, only to come across the one wandering lunatic hell bent on making their final hours a living hell. It all sounds pretty average, but it's worth sticking with. Its one down point is that it is a little longer than your average horror film and most of the first 1h 15 minutes is spent watching three people in one location, having various conversations about all sorts of supposed deep and meaningful issues.

That was how it starts. It doesn't pan out quite so obviously though. Without going into too much detail, it has a few surprises along the way and Andrew Howard deserves a special mention as the `stranger' Joseph who the unsuspecting couple meet.

Give it a watch if you want a `horror movie that contains plenty of talking points.' However, the 'talking points' may also serve to be a bit of a let down. Not everything is totally explained and wrapped up neatly, leaving some questions which will be up to your interpretation afterwards.

'Blood River' is one of those movies where you could show it to four different people and be given four totally different opinions to its merits and meanings.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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