Legend - Sometimes `less' is better
As a big fan of fantasy films, I remember watching Legend as a child in the eighties. I recently watched it again and the one thing that struck me was how long it was. Apparently, I'd watched the `director's cut' (or extended edition - I forget). Anyway, it ran at over two hours and, although I normally enjoy the director's cut more, this time I found it really boring.

Directed by Ridley Scott, Legend is naturally beautiful to watch and the make-up deserves a special mention for the hideous demon who's trying to slay the last unicorn. Tom Cruise (pre his meteoric rise to fame) plays the young forest boy who's destined to rescue the princess well.
Although I'm not sure whether Legend will find many new fans. It's too dark to appeal to the majority of children and too lightweight to be classed as an adult's film.
But for those of us with an affection for eighties films set in the days of make-up and story telling over computer-effects and Michael Bay, should still sit back and smile at the classic adventure.
Personally, I'll stick to the `trimmed' version.
Good, harmless, Saturday afternoon fun.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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