The Blob (1988) - Classic B-movie - it will melt your heart (and possibly your face)
If you're thinking to yourself `Should I watch the 1988 remake of 'The Blob?' then you've already thought too hard about the subject matter. 'The Blob' is a film that you don't really mean to watch, you just find yourself doing so when you come in from the pub at nearly midnight and accidentally switch the TV on. Then you find you're already half way through and, despite not knowing everything about it, sit there glued to the end.
Yes, the acting is hardly Oscar-worthy and people do some pretty daft things at times. But there are enough shocks (and by that I mean character deaths that you probably won't see coming - no spoilers here though), surprises and generally genre-breaking things to keep you laughing into your popcorn until the end of the movie. It's not over long and the effects/gore are actually pretty groundbreaking for a B-movie in the eighties.
If you can ignore the unfashionable hair and poor man's Morgan Freeman (if you've seen Stephen King's `Dreamcatcher' you'll probably understand that reference) then you should love this.
They don't make `em like they used to (some may say that's a good thing, but not me!).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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