Saturday, 13 February 2021

Devil - Does the job  

Devil is about, well, um, the Devil (in case the title didn't tip you off) and how he likes to mess with the bad people destined to join him in hell for all eternity. And, in this case, he chooses five people with dubious pasts to trap in a lift and then generally mess with in the most grisly way he can think of.

The first thing I should say about Devil is that it's quite a short film, therefore talking about the plot may give away a few twists that might spoil the enjoyment. It doesn't need to be too long. Not all the action takes place inside the lift (as there is a team working on getting them out of there), but it's still quite a condensed atmosphere that doesn't lend itself too much scope to expand. Therefore, in this case, less is more.

It's actually quite good. Oddly enough, despite being a horror film, it's rated 15 (or even PG13 in some places), meaning there isn't an awful lot of blood and entrails floating about the place. What `scares' come are largely jumpy and `atmospheric.' However, that doesn't seem to matter. It's a condensed little film that should appeal to horror buffs with some decent performances and enough twists to hopefully surprise you.

Probably not a classic up to The Exorcist's standards, but entertaining enough in what it gives you.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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