Quarantine 2 - Yeah, it’s another zombie movie
In case you didn’t know, ‘Quarantine 2: The Terminal’ is the sequel to a movie (Quarantine, oddly enough) which was, in itself, a remake of (an excellent) Spanish horror film, ‘REC.’ Both REC and the first Quarantine movie were primarily known for being shot entirely through the use of handheld/first-person video footage. However, in the sequel, they do away with the ‘point of view’ aspect for the most part and what you’re left with is a pretty standard zombie movie.
As a standard zombie movie it does the job. It has a few moments where the (fast) zombies jump out and grab someone. However, it’s never more than average. You’ll find it hard to recognise any actor and the characters are also the standard cliched types you’d expect from a straight-to-DVD release.
If you’re not completely tired with zombie movies, you might like this one, otherwise, stick with an early George Romero movie or the Walking Dead.
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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