The Bling Ring - It is what it is (and it isn't as pretty as the cast)
`The Bling Ring' is based on true events (obviously, like any Hollywood retelling, `true' means `slightly made up for dramatic effect,' but I think we're all used to that by now, right?) and is about a group of teens who burgle Hollywood A-list stars in L.A.
The story. There isn't really one. The `story' can be basically summed up by the synopsis, i.e. teens break into A-list stars' houses and steal their stuff. Some might say this is a downside to the film. The characters are all about as shallow as a puddle with no depth or remorse whatsoever. Plus there is no character development to them. We meet the horrible little brats and, as the credits roll, we leave them to get on with their selfish lives. But I took it that this is the point of the movie. It doesn't try to tell a story about how characters change over the course of a period of time. It simply shows us what a - hopefully small - cross-section of teenagers are like, i.e. obsessed with fame and lacking in remorse.
Okay, so it's hard to side with people like Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton and Megan Fox (all of which are victims of the Bling Ring), but you still can't warm to those who feel nothing about stealing from people simply because they feel like it at the time.
It's not a film you can really enjoy as there's nothing to like about anyone in it. However, it's also not a film you can hate - almost more of a depressing drama documentary which will leave you saddened by the youth of today.
Note: worth it alone for Emma Watson's performance as she's confronted by the truth and yet still tries to play the victim. Sadly, there are more than a few people in life who do this. Send `em to the County Jail!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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