Blood Glacier (aka The Station) - Land of `rabid foxes'
Here's a fun game... watch `Blood Glacier' and give yourself ten points every time someone mentions rabid foxes. I would say drink an alcoholic drink, but you'd probably need hospital treatment if you did that.
What you have here is a homage to John Carpenter's classic, `The Thing.' I don't say `rip-off' because that would be running Blood Glacier down and, despite its reliance on rabid foxes and baldy-beardy men, it's actually pretty fun. Yes, it has subtitles, so be prepared for that, but the effects are cool, the monsters well thought out and not that much (if any?) CGI effects which ruin so many films. The cast does as well as any cast in these situations. Of course there are always going to be a few daft moments where people do that thing Ripley does in Alien where they sacrifice humans to save animals, but, apart from that, if you're a fan of foreign horror, or liked The Thing, I'd give this one a go.
It also includes the rather surreal line, `Stop eating that banana while you're crying!' I don't know why that amused me so, but it did.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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