Terminal Invasion is about an alien invasion, set in an airport terminal - the clue is in the title. The film has a cheap, daytime TV feel about it, with special effects to match. Probably the only reason it ever got green-lighted was due to having Bruce Campbell in it, who is, of course, the best part of the whole film.

But, for all its faults, I couldn't help but get some small amount of satisfaction out of it. Yes, it's cheesy, yes the acting and SFX leave a lot to be desired and yes, they even went as far as to copy one of the scenes from Alien where Ripley is directing Dallas through the maze via headset.
Ultimately, it's one of those films you'll either love or hate. If you like Bruce Campbell and his jaw, you'll probably not think you wasted an hour and a half of your life. But, be warned, Men In Black standard it is not.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Kruger was haunting your nights
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