‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the movie.’ Was it a hit? It’s hard to tell. Yes, it made a fair amount of money at the box office and spawned a couple of (awful, straight to video) sequels, yet it always comes across as quite an ‘unloved’ little number. Basically, a lot of people objected to its ‘dark tone.’

However, now I’ve watched it as an adult, I do see that it’s a pretty basic film. Each line/scene is absolutely essential to moving the plot on. We’re introduced to the turtles pretty quickly, given a whistle-stop explanation as to how they became man-sized and brilliant at martial arts, then rushed to the next vital plot-point. Rinse and repeat.
I’m not sure how the ‘youth of today’ would find the film. They may think it’s all a little tame. The turtles have just been remade and there’s loads of high-action, computer-generated action scenes like it’s something out of a Marvel superhero movie. In the 1990 version the most ‘special’ the special effects ever reached are having someone thrown through a window.
Whether the 1990 version will stand up to the test of time is one thing. However, if you watched it during its heyday then you should have a natural appreciation for the film which will keep it alive for at least a few generations to come (at least enough of us parents should be able to force our kids to watch it and hopefully keep it alive for a little while longer).
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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