Okay, so pretty much any zombie-fan will know about George A Romero’s classic ‘Night of the Living Dead.’ There have been many imitations. Here we have one that goes as far as to try and rhyme its title for added effect. The result – so-so.

The answer... no much really. But that doesn’t mean it’s all together bad. The title alone basically tells you everything you need to know about the plot. A plane. A toxic outbreak on board. Zombies. Before I watched it I did kind of wonder how they could drag out a film set in such a confined space to an hour and a half – even the biggest jumbo jets would soon find every last inch crammed by flesh-eating ghouls pretty quickly. However, the film-makers have done a reasonable job of making things believable.
The first half of the film introduces us to the characters (and reinforces what little plot there is). Basically, the plane is populated by stereotypes. You will probably guess the fate of most of them, but there are a couple which actually stand out as people you’d root for (ironically, one of the best characters is a prisoner who’s on his way to jail!). And that’s enough for this sort of film. It basically scrapes through on character traits. The plot is wafer-thin and the gore is nothing that you haven’t seen before.
Like I said, it’s no classic, but if you’re in the mood for (yet another) zombie film and you’re in a forgiving mood, then this one might fill an hour and a half of your life.
For me, the only part I really rolled my eyes at were when the undead – somehow – managed to ‘punch through’ the floor of the plane in order to climb out of the ‘hold’ and get into the cabin to feast on the passengers. Next time I’m on a plane I’ll be a little worried when I’m taking my seat if I think the floor beneath my feet could give way so easily!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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