Monday, 27 July 2020

Seven Psychopaths - A slow burner, but worth the wait

I deliberately didn't watch any trailers for Seven Psychopaths. I wanted to see it fresh, choosing to watch it on `star-power' alone. I pretty much guessed that it was going to be a very black comedy, filled with more than one or two murders.

I have to say that when I came to watch it, I was quite disappointed. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be and it wasn't as violent. The first half seemed to jump around from one character to the next with little to no direction. I have to confess that my attention waned more than once. However, I persevered and I was actually glad I did.

In the second half the story really seemed to come together. I won't go into too much detail as it does rather pride itself on deliberately not doing what some might call the `classic Hollywood narrative.'
Having finally got round to watching it, I would say that it wasn't the film that I thought it would be, but it's definitely one I'd watch again.

Colin Farrell may be the star, but I'm afraid it's Sam Rockwell who steals the show when it comes to the `psycho' element and Christopher Walken who is the `heart' of the movie.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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