I've read a fair few reviews on the internet about Kill List and, the bottom line is, you'll either love or hate it.
So many reviews speak about it as it it's the film of the year, when others can't stand it.

This `review' is only based on the first half the film as I simply couldn't get into it and turned it off after fifty minutes.
I like gangster films and I like British gangster films. However, Lock Stock it ain't!
Even people who liked it described it as a `slow burner' - I just found it too slow. It was too all over the place for me and didn't seem to know where it was going. My main criticism was that it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. It tried to be gangster, drama, gritty realism - genres that, in some cases, are easily merged, but not here - not in my opinion.
Like I say, so many people loved it. Timeout even said it might be the film of the year.
Each to their own. I'm off to put a Guy Richie film on now.
2/10 Scuzzier than the leftover goo from a Queen alien's egg sack
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