Killing Them Softly is about a trio of thieves who rob the wrong people and end up with the gang and a hitman (Brad Pitt no less) on their trail. The advertising describes it as a `black comedy/drama,' although I found little to laugh at during the whole thing. It seems like its trying to be a homage to `overly-talkie' films like Quentin Tarrintino writes, but sometimes the dialogue simply went nowhere.

So it has good actors, a good setting, quirky dialogue and a premise that, although not totally original, is certainly watchable. I can see how some people liked it. Although, not everyone did. Some may say that the only thing missing from such greatness is a story. The narrative doesn't really have much focus and flits back and forth from different people leaving you wondering where you'll be next.
And then there's the politics. Throughout the film we're constantly seeing the 2012 presidential election campaign on TV screen. Apparently (and I have to confess that I didn't get this) the whole film is an allegory of modern America, i.e. one character represents the American public's sense of despair and apathy, while another represents the American public's sense of knowing what's really happening, but knowing they can't do anything about it and so on.
There's a lot to like about Killing Them Softly. There are some very good bits here and there. But then that's the problem - for every good scene there's a dull one that either goes on for too long or doesn't go anywhere.
Not bad, but could have been better.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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