Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Zero Dark Thirty - A reasonable portrayal of modern day espionage

In case you don't know... Zero Dark Thirty is about the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, after the 9/11 attacks on America. Maybe, over the years, we've been spoiled by James Bond into thinking that all spying involves gadgets and car chases. However, in reality, most spying is done from behind desks and listening. And, yes, that's certainly a bit boring in some people's eyes.

However, that could be seen - by some - as a failing of the film. It's about two and a half hours long and a lot of it is spent in offices watching people in suits arguing about budgets and how to spend them (hardly what we'd expect from superspies!). So, maybe if you're intending watching this, you should know that it's not `all action.' Plus there is a fair bit of human torture during the first half, so, if you don't have a strong stomach, you may not want to see how interrogations are taking place.

But, it does chronicle the hunt for the world's most wanted man pretty well. Even though (assuming you've watched the news) you probably know then ending, the final showdown is extremely tense and well filmed.

Plus there should be a special mention to Jessica Chastain who completely owns every scene that she's in. In fact... her performance is so strong that she effectively eclipses every other actor in this film, leaving everyone who isn't her as little more than an extra!

So, if you're interested in the subject matter, then this really is the film to watch on the hunt for Bin Laden - certainly worth a watch (although expect a `slow burner').

9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather

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