Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Juan of the Dead - Shaun has serious competition 

Zombie fans will all have heard - and probably watched - the British zombie romantic comedy, Shaun of the Dead, so, what does Cuba's film industry have to say on the subject?

First of all they're probably not doing themselves or the film any favours by blatantly copying an existing film. People will think it's just a rip off, when it most certainly is not.

Okay, so the two do share some common traits: zombies (obviously), humour, gore, lovable losers fighting to survive etc. However, believe it or not, Juan does stray into enough new territory to make it worth a watch. First of all, it's seriously darker than Sean - the `heroes' make some pretty self-centred decisions along the way (good fun to watch), also the back-drop is different enough to warrant a mention. Gone are the familiar streets of London and instead we see life in Cuba. Whereas Shaun and his mates simply wanted to escape the zombie menace, Juan and his band decide that they're okay with it. They simply lock themselves in their house and start up a new business where they offer to charge people money to kill/dispose of their loved ones!

All in all, if you like dark, gory comedy (and have a thirst for watching the undead in action), give it a go - maybe one day Shaun and Juan can get together over a pint and glass of rum and swap tips on the best way to deal with an undead outbreak.

Oh, and be prepared for subtitles with Juan (they kill the only English-speaking character pretty quickly!).

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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