Evil Aliens - So bad. So awful. So why do I love it so?
'Evil Aliens' is Britain's answer (or rather 'homage') to 'Evil Dead,' only with aliens, obviously. It's about a camera crew who travel to Wales to film a local's story about how she was impregnated by an alien baby and, once there, they discover that there's more to the country than just a rogue sheep.

With it's poor acting, clichéd dialogue and so-so effects, 'Evil Aliens' is a pretty poor offering. However, it does have one saving grace. It KNOWS it's a poor offering. It never tries to be a great work of art, therefore it does come across as quite 'knowing.' It knows what it is and it never tries to be anything else. That leaves you to just sit back, put your brain on hold and enjoy watching people being chopped up in as many and varied ways possible.
No matter how bad it gets, the classic scenes just keep coming. I've already hinted to the combine harvester, but there are also such delights as alien sex, alien 'Jerry Springer' shows, inbred Welsh farmers engaging in a stand-off against psychotic, bloodthirsty monsters and a low-grade dominatrix who just so happens to be an awesome shot with a shotgun.
If you're looking for a deep and meaningful film, you won't find it here. If you're looking for a fun, gore-fest to generally laugh at how bad it is, then you should appreciate it.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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