Hell - Hell of a split movie
Check on any review of the German film `Hell' and it'll tell you that it's a film `of two halves.' I can't really add much to that.

The first half is pretty good. It takes the whole `can't go out in the sunlight' idea and introduces many nice touches, i.e. how the characters have developed new patterns of living, plus how they ingeniously find various ways of getting more water (out of pipes, using cloths to soak moisture off cave walls and so on). Plus the acting is good. Everyone plays their part well and there isn't a Jar-Jar Binks among them (in other words, hideously annoying and unbearable to watch).
However, the second half kind of slips up on itself and turns the whole thing into a simple `escape from the baddies' movie. It even comes complete with `running through the woods' scene. Plus the idea of being unable to go out in the sunlight kind of gets forgotten about. The sunlight suddenly plays no real part in the second act, even to the extent that the characters are somehow able to run about it in with no real side effects.
What starts off excellent, just ends up being okay-ish. It's definitely worth watching, even if it's just for the nice atmosphere created and decent first half. If you fancy a German subtitled version of The Road, give it a try.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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