Monday, 11 November 2019

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island - It's for the kids... it's for the kids... it's for the kids

Okay, I'm giving this film 7/10, BUT that rating is based on how much my eight-year-old daughter liked it. Personally, I couldn't give it more than a 6/10.

It's about a boy who goes to (you guessed it) a mysterious island. This happens pretty swiftly and, this is my first gripe. The kid and The Rock (aka his on-screen stepfather) crack a cryptic code in a matter of seconds, just by putting their heads together. Then, everything that follows (i.e. the adventure itself) is just one coincidence after the next. Every situation they find themselves in can be countered by some piece of knowledge that one of the characters have. The Rock's stepson knows how to get out of every supernatural situation based on a science fiction book and The Rock knows because he's been in the army and then in construction. Vanessa Hudgens is in it simply to provide some unnecessary love interest for the teenage boy and her father... well, don't get me started on him - he's one of the most stupid, annoying characters since Jar Jar Binks.

Only Michael Caine saves the actors' blushes. Using his vast years of experience, he seems to know just the right balance between comedy/kookiness and generally not being an annoying waste of time, or an annoying know-it-all.

Then there's the island itself. Perhaps the title should be `The Journey to the computer-generated island?' Seriously... everything is heavily digital.

But, at the end of the day, my daughter loved it and I'm guessing many other children will as well. Despite being a big fan of both The Rock and Michael Caine, I could quite happily never see this film again, but then I'm not eight. If you have a young family, put this on - they'll love it. I can only tolerate it.

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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