Friday, 8 November 2019

The Last Stand - Loud, dumb and full of fun (yes, he's BACK)

The Last Stand is Arnie's `comeback' action film and, if you're a fan of the way his film used to unfold then you should get something out of this. However, I'm not sure how many new fans it'll win over.

Since the Batman franchise was rebooted, the `action genre' has become strangely serious (hence the style the James Bond franchise took). The action epics of the eighties and early nineties were always gratuitously over the top and full of daftness, one-liners and more explosions than the entire cast of Loonie Tunes had ever seen. Nowadays, everything has to be grim and serious. The Last Stand is the former, rather than the latter.

Arnie is a small-town sheriff who has to stop an escaped high-profile convict from crossing the border into Mexico. And, guess what, carnage follows. One thing I noticed about The Last Stand is that Arnie doesn't do it alone. When you think back to Commando, Raw Deal, Total Recall and other previous outings, he was always a `one man band' - taking on all comers all by himself. However, now he's in charge of a rag-tag bunch of misfits who all take their turn in the spotlight, making it more of an ensemble cast.

I will admit to being a huge Arnie fan, so The Last Stand was an absolute blast for me. However, I can see plenty of people labelling it as `daft' and `filled with plot holes' and they'd probably be right. But, ultimately, I don't care. I was looking to watch a big, loud, stupid film, packed with explosions and cheesy one-liners. I got exactly what I was after. If you're not into that, stick to the Bourne trilogy.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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