The Last Stand - Loud, dumb and full of fun (yes, he's BACK)
The Last Stand is Arnie's `comeback' action film and, if you're a fan of the way his film used to unfold then you should get something out of this. However, I'm not sure how many new fans it'll win over.

Arnie is a small-town sheriff who has to stop an escaped high-profile convict from crossing the border into Mexico. And, guess what, carnage follows. One thing I noticed about The Last Stand is that Arnie doesn't do it alone. When you think back to Commando, Raw Deal, Total Recall and other previous outings, he was always a `one man band' - taking on all comers all by himself. However, now he's in charge of a rag-tag bunch of misfits who all take their turn in the spotlight, making it more of an ensemble cast.
I will admit to being a huge Arnie fan, so The Last Stand was an absolute blast for me. However, I can see plenty of people labelling it as `daft' and `filled with plot holes' and they'd probably be right. But, ultimately, I don't care. I was looking to watch a big, loud, stupid film, packed with explosions and cheesy one-liners. I got exactly what I was after. If you're not into that, stick to the Bourne trilogy.
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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