Killer Joe - Will you like this? Did I?
I first found out about `Killer Joe' from UK film critic Mark Kermode who said that, after watching the film, he wasn't actually sure whether he liked it or not. I was intrigued. I wondered whether you automatically knew whether you liked something or not after experiencing it. However, after viewing Killer Joe, I am also wondering whether I liked it or not.

It's kind of like a window into another world. A world full of car crashes that you have to watch, but don't necessarily want to experience firsthand.
Did I enjoy it? I certainly didn't turn it off. Would I want to watch it again? Maybe. In a while. Right now it's a bit too fresh in my head. I think it may warrant a second viewing, but only if I'm in the mood for something pretty dark and nasty. I can see quite a lot of people hating this for being just generally horrible. To be fair, they may have a point. This is one film that you'll either be able to stand or you won't.
Those of you into `light and fluffy' beware - you have been warned!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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