The Orphanage - Creepy little ghost story
In ghost story terms, there’s nothing particularly new about ‘The Orphanage’ – it follows the modern ghost story formula pretty well, i.e. family moves into new location, strange things happen, no one believes them, contact expert to clarify supernatural element and then climax. The Orphanage ticks all those boxes and in that order. However, just because its story isn’t that original, doesn’t mean it’s bad.

See? Nothing particularly new there, but it’s the film’s overall tone, direction and acting which elevates it about the – literally – thousands of similar clones which infest DVD bargain buckets at your local petrol station. The setting is great and I’ve already mentioned the acting. But it’s simply the foreboding feel of dream and despair that keeps you watching.
Basically, if you like your ghost stories slow-burning and creepy (and don’t mind subtitles) then give this one a go. It moves slowly to a sensible ending and doesn’t have any hordes of CGI monsters or major action sequences, so don’t be expecting a horror marathon of epic proportions. Just expect something subtle and dark.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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