Sometimes I find that the best films I see are those I know nothing about. Apparently, '21 Jump Street' was based on a TV show from... (I don't know when, but it was, apparently). Anyway, I've never seen it, so I can't say how faithful the film was, compared to the TV series. Either way, it doesn't matter. The point is I knew nothing about the film and watched it anyway.
And I'm glad I did.

Based on the plot, I would say it sounded average. However, it does have one ingredient that most modern Hollywood comedies seem to be lacking these days - it's actually funny! First of all the characters are great and Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum have amazing chemistry and play off each other perfectly. Their performances are enough on their own, but I have to give full credit to Ice Cube for sending both himself (and police chiefs in movies in general) up perfectly - he's a real 'scene stealer.'
I don't know why it is, but it is. Something about it just works. I think it's best not to try and overanalyse a film like this. If you do, you'll end up finding plot holes and ripping it apart for no good reason. It's big dumb, loud fun which works in a playfully adult manner. It even goes a bit 'meta' when it starts to lampoon action/cop movie clichés and the scene with the chickens is sheer comic gold (no spoilers here - just watch it).
Yes, ultimately the story is a bit formulaic, but when it's this good you can forgive that in favour of simply having fun. Just go with some adult humour and plenty of silliness (and watch out for the unexpected cameo near the end - okay, so if you know the TV series, maybe you're expecting it - but I wasn't, okay?).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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