Casino Royale - A brave new Bond
Okay, let me say that the reason I'm reviewing this film several years after its release is because I've decided to give it a second viewing (in the wake of Skyfall's success at the box office).

Then came Casino Royale.
I had no objections to Daniel Craig being named as James Bond (after his part in Layer Cake, I think he proved he had what it took). I didn't even object to the fact that Bond was (sort of) being `rebooted,' showing how Bond became a 00 agent etc. What I objected to was that, in my opinion, it was NOT Bond. Yes, it had action, ladies and exotic locations, but gone was everything that I thought made Bond Bond.
I watched the whole film and give it a disappointed two stars out of five, admitting that the action sequences were good, but it was more The Bourne Identity than Bond.
However, as the years have gone by and my shock has dwindled, I've re-watched it and come to accept that it does have its merits. Yes, Bond has changed. Maybe it's for the best. Daniel Craig's (current) three outings have been the most financially successful of all the Bond films, so I guess he's appealing to the masses.
This is indeed a `new slant' on Bond. Gone is what I loved, but it's been replaced by something - now I'm viewing it in the cold light of day - with some ALSO pretty good too.
I appreciated that the plot to Casino Royale was actually a lot more intense than many of its predecessors, plus there was far more reliance on character development, rather than just invisible cars (yes, even I found that one a little hard to swallow in Die Another Day).
Although I will forever enjoy the cheeky charm of `old' Bond, I will admit that this one has its place alongside it and now am beginning to look forward to the news of a new Bond film in the making.
Now I give it a much more respectable 8/10.
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