Picture the scene... An empty room. Still an empty room. Wait ten seconds. A little bit more the empty room. Something moves. Repeat.

Am I being harsh? I actually liked the first movie. The first half was a little slow, but there were some genuinely creepy moments in the second act.
However, part 3 could basically be part 2. It follows the formula exactly. Yes, you get a few scares along the way. Yes, I even jumped and my heart raced when something jumped out at you, but if you've seen either of the previous instalments then you've seen this one.
It's technically a prequel to the previous ones. I guess if you REALLY loved them, you'll like this.
I noticed that it was produced for £5 million and made £105 million. With that kind of money-making power behind it, I'm guessing this will not be the last Paranormal film we'll be seeing. Although it WILL be the last one I'll be watching.
4/10 Dumb and Dumber could understand this film
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