Basically, this movie - about two warring magicians - got a lot of flack at the box office and was almost branded `a flop.' Yes, it's no masterpiece. It's not even a comedy masterpiece. Perhaps people expected more because of the talent on display. They may have a point - the film does have a stellar cast and maybe it should have been better, or funnier than it actually is. However, just because it's no classic, doesn't mean that it's not worth watching.

It's light-hearted and easy-going. The gags - while occasionally predictable - are still amusing. You may not have many `belly laughs' but, if you're in the mood for something that isn't very serious and quite frothy, the film should maintain a little smile on your face all the way through. It's a tale of 'fall and rise' for Wonderstone. He starts off self-centred and completely shallow, but thanks to his impending fall from grace means he can learn and grow. Olivia Wilde is in there as the obligatory 'love interest' for Carell, but - like Gandolfini - is kind of underused. In fact, despite her best efforts, her character could probably have been written out of the story all together and it wouldn't make that much difference.
You may get a little more out of it if you're a fan of any or all of the actors. Steve Carell and Jim Carrey are top-billed and for a reason - they play their (kind of stupid) parts very well. Steve Buscemi is also along for the ride and yet seems never to get any of the best lines in favour of Carell.
My only gripe is that it ran for about ten minutes too long in my opinion. It probably could have been trimmed somewhere in the middle to make it just that little bit tighter. Still fun though. And don't go expecting a film like that other - much more famous - film about two warring magicians, 'The Prestige' - it's nothing like that!
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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