The Oranges is about two suburban families who are the best of friends until the father of one family has an affair with the daughter of the other. Chaos follows...

The two `lovers' get together pretty quickly and there's little explanation as to why they should fall so head over heels in love with each other that they don't care about destroying both their families.
Some people have described it as a `comedy.' I would say it's definitely more of a drama. I only laughed the once (scene involving an ice bucket), but that doesn't mean that it's a bad film. It's nice to see a film with slightly more controversial subject matter. I'm not sure who the target audience is. Its `lack of moral compass' may offend some more traditional viewers, but hopefully it will still be received positively.
Apart from the whole `rushed feel' of trying to get everything wrapped up neatly in an hour and a half, I felt the ending was a little predictable. You'll probably be able to guess what happens to every major character. But, don't let that stop you enjoying this. It's an odd movie which doesn't really fit anywhere, but with a bit of luck it will find an audience and end up something of a cult hit.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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