I was looking forward to 2014's Hollywood take on 'Godzilla' (ignoring, as many of us did, their attempt at entering the franchise back in 1998 with that weird Mathew Broderick effort). I'm not a huge Godzilla fan, but TV's 'Breaking Bad' had just ended and none other than the ever-awesome Bryan Cranston was cast to go up against the giant scaly beast. However, that never really happned. Cranston's character was not in the film for more than about half an hour. The rest of the story was carried on by his bland as sand kid.

I mention all this about the first film because it wasn't just me who felt let down by it. This tone of voice reached the film-makers, so they made sure they corrected their mistakes when it came to the sequel.
Now - believe it or not - Godzilla is in it more - not THAT much more, but he's in it more. And, when he's not stomping on things in general or shooting blue fire up into the sky (he does that a lot, seemingly to announce his presence and to generally look cool) there's a whole horde of other giant beasts stomping their way around the globe. And none of them are that friendly. If you check out Godzilla's Facebook profile you won't find a single one of the other 'titans' on there. So he has to fight them and prove that he's the king.
So, before you think this film is just going to be one long tale about giant beasts crashing their way through the world's cities and slugging each other the head, I should point out that someone decided to put a human or two on the cast list. And, when I say 'one or two' I mean a whole load of annoying, erratic lunatics who do the craziest things in order to make sure that their lives are as terrorised as possible by giant, flesh-eating lizards and the like. You may recognise Charles Dance as the bad guy. He's motivated by being bad. And Vera Farmiga in on the cast list. She's the one making all the crazy decisions to destroy the world because it's the right thing to do, or something.
Basically, the humans are pretty dire and if I was watching this on DVD I'd be skipping a lot of stuff involving them, especially when we have the obligatory sub-plot of a father going off on a mission to rescue his daughter.
I liked bits of 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters.' I thought it could be fun. And some parts were, especially a few classic set-piece monster fights. However, for every five minutes of fun it was followed by twenty minutes of humans talking and arguing. The film's over two hours long and it sure dragged when the humans were on the screen towards the end.
I hear that off the back of this one they'll be pitting Godzilla against King Kong next. Just from that idea it sounds like it could be fun, but if they make it another two hour film and fill it with an hour and forty minutes of humans arguing, I really don't think I'll be watching this one. It wasn't a complete waste of my time, but I don't think I'd be watching either Godzilla (2014/2019) again (although, for some weird reason, I did love 'Kong: Skull Island!').
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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