Sanctum - A film ruined by accents
Oh, dear. I really wanted to like this, but I didn't. Yes, the scenery is great and the caves are truly spectacular to look at (even in 2D - I didn't watch it in 3D). However, just because you have a decent location, doesn't really make a decent film.

Sanctum is about a group of cave explorers who get cut off from the outside world and have to rely on their experience and wits to survive. Nothing wrong with that, but the characters were as two-dimensional as the format I watched it on. There's a sub plot about one of the cavers trying to get reacquainted with his billionaire father. It's overworked, unnecessary and overplayed. Richard Roxburgh just seems to shout in an Australian drawl. He is Australian, but seems to be exaggerating his accent for almost comic effect. Ioan Gruffudd has dropped his Welsh accent in favour of an American one - or rather he does when he remembers, while his on-screen girlfriend's accent is pretty much indeterminate at the best of times.
Complaining about accents all sounds like it's a bit trivial, but, when you apply it to clichéd dialogue it all ends up being too much and you end up not caring about any of them.
The film is basically like The Cave or The Descent, but without the monsters. I would rather there were some monsters in there to liven it up a bit. At least there would be more growling and less bad dialogue.
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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