Sunday, 28 March 2021

Doghouse - Not a ‘chick flick’

Sensitive.  Deep.  Emotional.  These are all words that will NOT be used to describe ‘Doghouse.’ It is certainly an ‘acquired taste.’ And when I say acquired taste I mean basically a film that will primarily be enjoyed by blokes (probably after a few beers).  Let’s just say that the ‘fairer sex’ doesn’t come off too well.

A group of lads (with vaguely distinctive personality traits) decide to go to an out-of-the-way little town in country England for a guys’ weekend away.  Why?  Does it matter?  Anyway, they quickly discover that all the women there have become bloodthirsty zombies.  Cue a fight for their lives (and in many cases body parts).

Yeah. It’s a B-movie, but then it never claims to be anything else.  It has Danny Dyer and Noel Clarke in it.  Yes, they’re about the biggest names in it.  Again, it doesn’t need particularly big names in it.  It’s basically an excuse to get a load of wise-cracking guys being constantly pursued by females zombies (and the inevitable sexist quips which come with it).

Basically, you’re either going to appreciate it for what it is (and cheeky little gorefest which puts men against women) or find it totally stupid and low-brow.  Both arguments have their merits.  I can see why some people would hate it.  It’s hardly ‘high brow.’ You definitely need to be in the mood for it and know what you’re getting from the hour and a half of guys screaming and being dismembered by female monsters.  Shakespeare it is not.  Fun, it is.  It’s got enough nice touches to be added to your collection (that statement is true possibly more if you’re a guy!).  It may not be that original, but it has good gore, some nice one-liners and a cast that are just about lovable enough to root for over the insane harpies who hound them.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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