Friday, 4 September 2020

 Molly’s Game – Game on!

‘Molly’s Game’ is one of those ‘based on a true story’ films where you never really know quite how much has been based on true events and what’s been added to make it a better story.  However, whatever the split, I quickly found I was able to suspend my scepticism and just enjoy the film for its entertainment value.

Jessica Chastain plays the titular ‘Molly’ – a professional skier involved in a freak accident on the slopes at a young age.  Then, and this is one of those moments where something is so unbelievable it is probably totally true, she changes her career and becomes host to exclusive high-stakes poker games for the rich and famous.  Yes, there is a bit of a leap there, but, don’t worry, it’s not quite so glossed over in the film.

The story itself is one of those than bounces around through time.  One moment you’re with the adult Molly who’s standing trial for taking back-handers at the table, the next you’re with her teenage incarnation who’s in the middle of a row with her – slightly overbearing – father, played by Kevin Costner.  However, that’s not as jarring as it sounds and you shouldn’t be confused as to what time period you’re in.  However, because of this way of telling the story, you’re – sort of – told how it ends near the beginning, but, again, there’s enough intrigue to make you keep watching.

Plus, of course, Molly’s lawyer is played by Idris Elba, who, of late, I felt hasn’t been getting the ‘meaty’ roles he deserves.  Well, he’s not in it as much as fans may like (being that he’s only in the ‘present’ and never in her past), but when he is there he does what he does best and steals the spotlight.

Then you have the direction – it’s possibly more stylish than your average biographic drama is used to.  It comes across as something between a Guy Ritchie film and ‘Ocean’s Eleven.’ But then it is – technically – a crime caper, albeit a ‘real life’ one, so perhaps the style of direction is fitting.  It works either way.  It’s over two hours long, but never really feels as long as it could do.  You’ll find yourself rooting for the characters and maybe even trying to Google who the mysterious ‘Player X’ really is.  I have my ideas.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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