London Has Fallen - London ‘fell’ (and no one really noticed)
I remember watching ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ with absolutely no expectations whatsoever. It was basically ‘Die Hard set in the White House’ – a brainless (but fun) kill-the-bad-guys type movie where you knew exactly what was going to happen, but enjoyed the ride anyway. I’m guessing that a fair few other people must have also enjoyed it, hence here comes the sequel…
What we have here is a typical ‘action sequel’ where it thinks that ‘bigger’ is generally better. Whereas the first film was tense and confined to the White House (arguably one of the most impenetrable buildings ever – and therefore hard to escape from) this one is set across an entire city. Expect the mandatory shoot-outs and car chases, all of which are designed to outdo its predecessor. However, what it has in increased explosions, it lacks in overall tension and feel.
From being quite a good, little action film (reminiscent of action films of old, ala Die Hard and Commando) this one just plays it by the numbers. Despite some reasonable acting talent on offer here, everyone seems to be going through the motions. There’s not an awful lot you can say about it. It has bad-guys. They’re trying to do bad things. A goodie has to stop them. Expect bloodshed along the way. It isn’t bad, it’s just not as good as the original and therefore you’ll probably forget it the moment the credits rolled. If this is the way that it’s heading I can’t see anywhere else ‘falling’ and Gerard Butler’s presidential bodyguard may find himself guarding shopping malls before long.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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