It’s hard to believe that anyone would go and watch ‘Captain America: Civil War’ without actually knowing what it’s about. And, in most cases, already seen the eight or so million previous films in the ‘Marvel Shared Universe,’ so I won’t really go into a major recap – that what’s Google is for! I’ll just assume that you know about every superhero in great detail and tell you to watch this film.

But, our ‘Cap’ is definitely the star. It’s his team that trashes one major city too many in pursuit of a villain, meaning the powers that be decide superheroes need legislating. It’s fair to say that Cap America disagrees, but not all of the Avengers to, hence the split in direction.
Perhaps the best part of the story is that the opposing viewpoint is headed up by (fan favourite) Tony (Robert Downey Jr) Stark, aka, Iron Man. You’ve probably seen the promotional posters of Iron Man and Captain America squaring off, so you can see who each has on their side there. What we’re then treated to is possibly the longest build up ever to what we really want to see.
Most people have probably already been tipped off to the massive fight scene that takes place in an airport between rival sides. In any other film, people may get bored waiting or possibly find that it wasn’t worth the wait when it finally came. Not here. You won’t get bored. Civil War is not a short film, but it goes pretty damn quickly and you’ll be totally entertained as the tension between the two factions is gradually build up in preparation for then they go toe to toe. It’s all well worth it.
Basically, if you have even only a little bit of interest in the Marvel Shared Universe then you’ll love this. And most of us fan-boys have more than just a passing fascination with it, therefore we’ll enjoy it more than most.
It’s no wonder that Batman vs Superman didn’t do as well as expected when it was up against this. As much as I love the DC films, it just struggled to match this. I’d go as far as saying it’s certainly the best ‘stand-alone’ Marvel film and probably better than the Age of Ulton.
Yes, you can gripe about where the Hulk and Thor both are when all this is going on, but if you scour Youtube, you may just find quite a comedic answer to where the Norse god of thunder was all this time. Otherwise, sit back and just enjoy a film with more heart and soul than most people ever guessed.
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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