Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Mama - A prime example of modern horror

`Mama' is the latest horror movie to receive a reasonable budget. That may raise it slightly above the hundreds of other B-movies out there, but the problem - in my opinion - is that is simply follows the typical (modern) horror structure.
This is as follows... Creepy things start to happen to a family (mainly the children). The adults put it down to a rational explanation and call the police. The police do nothing. Slowly the adults except that something supernatural is happening. They seek advice from a convenient expert in the field. They confront the horror at the end of the film.

Unfortunately, Mama follows this narrative structure to the letter. Yes, it is well shot. Yes, there are some `jumpy' moments and yes the overall vibe is slick, well-produced and a bit creepy. But, at the end of the day, it's nothing that seasoned horror fans (which I'm including me in) haven't seen a hundred times before.

It's certainly a decent offering in the horror genre, but it might be nice for film-makers to try something a little more out of the norm.

5/10 a hard trek, a bit like unicycling to Mordor and back

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