Sunday, 22 September 2019

Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom - As deserving in `Indy lore' as its predecessor and successor

I watched The Temple of Doom when I was seven and loved it. Maybe that's why I still love it today. However, every time I look on the internet I see people who seem to think that The second Indiana Jones story is somehow sub-standard to Raiders and Last Crusade (notice how I don't even mention Crystal Skull - which I reasonably enjoyed too).

I disagree. I'd say the main difference between Temple and what went before and (directly) afterwards is the lack of a military presence and some good ol' fashioned Nazi-bashing. Instead, the action largely takes place in one setting (i.e. the Temple of Doom itself) and there's no mention of Marcus or Indy's other professors. Therefore, apparently this goes some way to distance itself from the others, making it appear like more of a `stand-alone' movie. Plus, and maybe you don't know this, it's also (technically) a prequel to Raiders, taking place before the first film.

Also, be prepared for lots of screaming. Indy is accompanied by a female sidekick called Willie who does little else but cry out for help throughout the whole film. Some people have even likened her performance of that of Jar-Jar Binks in how much she irritates the viewer.

However, I ignore all these points and simply love it for a good old-fashioned tongue-in-cheek (slightly) action romp. Harrison Ford is as good as ever and the music adds to the effect and gets your heart racing every time Indy's `theme' comes on.

Yes, it may be slightly out on a limb if you compare it to Raiders and the Last Crusade, but don't treat it any differently. Does anyone really think Indiana Jones ONLY fights the Nazis? There are plenty of bad guys around the world who need a good whipping!

Temple of Doom is as awesome now as when I watched it as a kid.

Yah-boo to the poo-pooers!

9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather

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