Monday, 22 April 2019

The Village - M. Night Shyamalan's last decent film (in my opinion)

The Indian auteur burst onto the scene with the classic `The Sixth Sense' and followed it up with the equally impressive `Unbreakable.' However, since then, his record at the box office has been shaky to say the least.

In my opinion, `The Village' (despite receiving mixed reviews) was his last excellent film, although I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea. Those expecting a straight out horror film will be disappointed. And anyone hoping for bucket loads of blood and guts will be sorely disappointed. The Village is a slower affair, moody and well-shot as a group of people refuse to leave their village for fear of the creatures who live in the woods all around them.

Perhaps The Village could be best described as a `love story,' as the relationship between Bryce Dallas Howard and Joaquin Phoenix is central to the story.

The film boasts an impressive cast, all of whom play there parts subtly and with great understatement, all of which adds to the overall creepy, isolated environment.

It's very possible to enjoy this movie, but only if you're in the mood for something a little more subtle. It's a slow burner if ever there was one, well shot, well acted and often overlooked. Give it a go if you're up for something a little different.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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