The Immortals is one of those Clash of the Titans films about ancient Greek mythology where the humans wear sandals and the Gods occasionally fly down to poke their noses in.

Instead, you have a film which seems to go through the motions - hero, heroine, evil baddie and so on. The sets are mostly computer-generated, leaving them looking not particularly real and quite fuzzy. Micky Rourke phoned his performance in as the baddie and the characters seem to do the most unbelievable things at the best of times.
It's strange that The Immortals was even commissioned. The remake of Clash of the Titans was pretty badly received by critics, so I'm surprised that people thought that the cinema-going public actually had a thirst for this type of movie.
It's not terrible, just decidedly average given the obvious amounts of money that had been poured into it.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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