The word 'perfect' may be an odd one to describe an eighties action film where one man effectively takes on an entire army while making wry puns and flexing his biceps. No, I'm not saying that 'Commando' is a perfect film when compared to true cinematic greats, such as the ones we all know and respect like 'Citizen Kane, The Godfather and Empire Strikes Back.'

Great films make you think and make you enjoy the character arcs and journeys. Then again, as with 'Commando,' it can also be said that 'great' films can also be sheer entertainment where you can escape 'real life' and simply enjoy the over-the-topness of the action. 'Commando' is definitely 'great' in this category.
It could also be classed as Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'first' film. Previously he didn't say too much as the iconic 'Terminator' and the 'Conan' film, he wasn't the wise-cracking action hunk he was destined to become. There is very little back-story to this film. It's about an ex-army soldier (Arnie) who, despite retiring, has his daughter kidnapped by baddies who want him to assassinate a politician. Naturally, he decides on a different method of handling the situation. He wipes out pretty much everyone he comes across with a hail-storm of bullets and bazookas. The film rests firmly on Arnie's broad shoulders and he carries it perfectly. You probably won't remember too many of the supporting cast, apart from the primary antagonist 'Bennett' who I can never work out whether he's trying to be British or Australian and who is as over-the-top as this film would make you expect.
Therefore, expect shoot-outs (obviously), car chases, punch-ups and plenty of action. This is an 'action film' through and through. And, like I've said, it's a perfect example of a simple action epic. If you're a Schwarzenegger fan then you probably already own this, but if you like your action films a little over-the-top and a lot tongue-in-cheek, then you should definitely check this one out. It's the ultimate daft popcorn flick totally designed to entertain. Watch it before they remake it.
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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