Despite growing up slightly after the 'Carry On' films heyday, I watched many of them on TV when I was a child and 'Follow That Camel' always stuck in my mind as my favourite of them all. Therefore, when I rewatched it, I was certainly expecting a lot more laughs than I got. I don't want to harp on about how 'times have changed,' but even I cringed sometimes at some of the 'jokes' which, nowadays, could be borderline criminal offenses. However, I could probably just chalk these up to a 'sign of the times' and ignore them if the rest of the film could hold up. And it didn't.

Yes, many of the 'usual suspects' from 'Carry On' films are there - Kenneth Williams for example, hams it up and is still entertaining to watch. But the rest of them just seem to be retreading the same old ground. I guess the franchise was getting a little tired by this point and generally running out of steam. I wanted to love it like I used to. Maybe it's more suited to a child's humour? Maybe times have changed so much that this sort of humour will never be able to be appreciated? Or maybe I'm just losing my sense of humour as I'm getting older. Either way, I was disappointed. There are plenty of other 'Carry On' films I used to watch (and love!) back in the day. Now I'm scared to watch them again in case I they don't live up to what I remember!
5/10 a hard trek, a bit like unicycling to Mordor and back
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