Thursday, 3 May 2018

Bulletproof Monk - So dumb.  So fun.

There's absolutely nothing special about the (not so subtly-titled) 'Bulletproof Monk.' In fact, the title should tell you everything you need to know about the film.  However, just because it's nothing out of the ordinary, doesn't make it a bad film.  In fact... it's rather good fun (if you're not expecting too much).

Sean William Scott - better known as 'Who?' unless you're watching an 'American Pie' movie, where he is - of course - 'Stiffler.' He is playing, er, 'Stiffler' basically, only he's really good at martial arts and pickpocketing people.  He ends up getting caught up in a plot by Nazis seeking immortality and has to help the titular 'Bulletproof Monk' (Chow Yun Fat) save the world from these out of time creeps.

This film was made back in 2003 and I'd love to say that, because of the time it was made, there was less CGI and more 'practical' effects.  Yes, there are some practical effects (or should I say well-choreographed fight scenes), however a lot of the more 'fantastical' martial arts moves are all - very blatantly - filmed up against a blue screen.  You may just have to forgive them for that.

So, you have plucky, wise-cracking hero, wise mentor, evil baddies and obligatory love interest (Jamie King).  So, like I say, nothing you haven't seen a hundred times before.  It's so run-of-the-mill that there's not an awful lot else I can say about it.  However, just because it doesn't set the film-world alight in terms of originality, doesn't mean that it isn't enormous fun.  But, if you like your modern martial arts films, or just need a relaxing little action flick to rest your brain to after a hard day's work, then this should fit the bill.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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