Thursday, 29 August 2019

You're Next - Generic home invasion stuff

Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh with my title, but the horror genre is currently littered with instances of nasty people getting inside your house, only to terrorise you, before murdering you in the most grisly way possible.

Another family. Another big house. Another gathering of people which is going to be interrupted by a gang of nutters. Guess what... mobiles don't work so the family has to tend off the siege themselves.
First the good: the banter between the family is believable and the gore is nice. Plus there are some moments of dark humour thrown in here and there to lighten the atmosphere.

The bad: all the regular clichés are included. Simply by making yet another `home invasion' movie, you're limiting yourself as to how many different directions you can go in. Plus it looks a bit cheap and the acting is even sub-standard for a horror film.

Personally, I'm a little tired of the genre, however, seeing as movies like it are still being made, I have to assume that there's still a market for it. So, if you're into the genre, or haven't seen any films like this before, then you might want to give it a go. It's not as bad as some of its contemporaries, but will never really be a classic due to its lack of originality.

For fans of the genre only.

5/10 a hard trek, a bit like unicycling to Mordor and back

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