Sunday, 24 February 2019

Gangster Squad - It's a gangster movie

Yes, I know my title might be stating the obvious, but hear me out...

If you have either seen a gangster movie, or can possibly imagine what one is like then you have basically seen `Gangster Squad.' It has every aspect (or if I'm being harsh I could say `cliché') that a gangster movie could possible have. But does that make it bad?

Yes and no. It's not that bad. The acting calibre of Josh Brolin, Sean Penn and Ryan Gosling does elevate it over the average sort of crime caper, plus it's stylishly shot and the production values are high. However, for all its gloss and glamour, it's still just a gangster movie.

It tells the tale of a group of police men who are allowed by their boss to lay down their badges and take the law into their own hands (utilising bullets to the max). Naturally, the bad guys don't rake too kindly to this and fight back with everything they've got.

So, if you're in the mood for (yet another) gangster movie then you'll probably enjoy this. It has action, shoot-outs, car chases and uncompromising good guys. Just don't expect anything particularly original.

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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