Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - The `history' they won't teach you in school
Yes, as the title says, Abraham Lincoln is a `vampire hunter.' It's obvious when you think about it. And the civil war was fought against vampires. Again, how did you NOT know?
Okay, this film is silly. But then the title is unforgivably silly, so the film-makers assume that you know it's silly before you spend your money watching it. And they're right. It is silly. However, not THAT silly. For a start (believe it or not) the film follows Lincoln's life pretty closely (yes, apart from the inclusion of vampires... obviously), almost to the point that it's historically accurate! Then there are the action sequences. The undead hurl themselves in droves in Lincoln's direction, only to be sliced and diced in trendy slow motion effects with blood splattering everywhere - hardly traits of a comedy.
Despite the film's kind of cheeky title, there aren't that many laughs (or even tongue in cheek moments) along the way. That's possibly what made it feel a little odd for me. From the title I was expecting a much dafter movie. What I got was an oldie-worldy action film with some reasonably high production values and attempts at remaining true to the historical text (again, if you don't count the vampire inclusion).
If you like vampires and action, you'll probably like this. Think `Blade set in times past' and you probably get the idea. However, if you're expecting something quite cheesy and tongue in cheek, then this isn't really it.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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