Saturday, 1 December 2018

47 Ronin - Stylish and interesting, but also slightly odd

’47 Ronin’ is actually based on an old Japanese historical event when 47 samurai avenged the death and disgrace of their master, even if it marked them as ‘criminals.’ This tale is very well known and documented in Japan and people still visit the graves of the deceased in order to remember their commitment to their cause.

It’s been made into a film at least six times before, but this is the most ‘Hollywood’ version to date.  For a start, we have Keanu Reeves as the lead character and it’s fair to say that no westerners took part in the actual event.  Therefore, it’s safe to say that many liberties have been taken in this retelling.  This point is hammered home by the inclusion of various mythological creatures our valiant exiled samurai encounter.  And, I’m just guessing, but I’m pretty sure there weren’t any dragon-witches or giant ogres in Japan back then.

So, don’t expect a faithful re-telling of the historical event.  But, do expect entertainment.  I don’t know why, but ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’ kept going through my mind while I was watching this.  The whole affair sort of reminded me of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Far East.  Every so often there’s a chase scene or a monster to fight and there are plenty of CGI backdrops for us to pretend are real.  Perhaps the one thing that isn’t really included is an awful lot of fight scenes.  I expected more ‘martial arts’ from a film about samurai, but there’s only a couple of swordplay scenes included.

All in all, it’s not a bad adventure film, but it’s kind of hard to think who its primary audience is.  Like I said, it doesn’t have enough fights to be a martial arts film.  It’s not ‘fun for all the family’ like Pirates of the Caribbean, so it’s more serious.  If you like supernatural action/adventure movies which have had all the major gore and adult-stuff edited out, then you might like this.  Keanu Reeves is ‘the star,’ but it’s the supporting Japanese cast that really hold it together.

I didn’t regret watching it, but I doubt I’d ever watch it again.  I’ve got a hundred better action adventure films already in my collection.

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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